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The winner is Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time!

On this page I will tell you about my favorite game!

Here are some screenshots!





Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is a game about a young prince who finds The Dagger of Time, a magical item that lets him control time. He finds this treasure in the palace of a Saltan his father and his fathers army are trying to destroy.
After the battle is over he returns to his fathers side and meets a magician of the defeated king, who wants the dagger, but the pinces father will not let him take it from his son. He also wants the hourglass which lies at the heart of the palace but the princes father takes it to give to one of his friends, another king.
The game then cuts to the fathers friends palace where the price is tricked by the magician to realease the sands from the hourglass. The sands ravage the palace and everything in it is turned to a demon-like monster except the prince(he has the dagger) and a yound girl by the name of Pharah(the reason she is not demonic is later in the game). They then set out together to capture the sands of time and stop the evil which inhabits the castle.

Game Creators

It's a UBISOFT game.....That's all I know.

Tips and Cheats

POP1 Level 1 remake
Plug a controller into slot 1 and one into slot 4. Start a new game and enter this code as soon as you gain control of the prince.
While holding B on controller 4, press A, B, Y, X, Y, A, B, X on controller 1.

(c) Nick Bicknell